Château de Bury
Château de Madrid
Mantelpiece in Château de Madrid
Solicitudo Rustica (Country Concerns)
Massacre of the Indians
The Two Pantaloons
Scene from the Grandes Misères de la Guerre
'Escorte d'équipages'
Capitol Hill in Rome
Solicitudo Rustica (Country Concerns)
Costumes of the inhabitants of Port des Francais in Lituya Bay
Design of a Goblet with a Variant of the Base
The Men's Bath
Pattern from the Series of Six Knots 1
The Northern Hemisphere of the Celestial Globe
The Southern Hemisphere of the Celestial Globe
The Plum-Pudding in Danger
The Zenith of French Glory
The Pantheon in Rome
Elevation of the Hôtel Carnavalet, Paris
Broad-rimmed Bowl
Scene from Shakespeare's Winter's Tale
Title page of Iconologia
Artemis and Acteon
Yorkshire Miner